1. Payment methods and how they work:
We accept only Western Union and Money Gram payments. This is the major payment methods available for us at this moment.
Also you can make payment online using your credit card through a Western Union`s site:
The payment pages used at here are secure and you can safely enter your card details to pay for your order. We accept the following methods of payment: Bitcoin, Western Union, MoneyGram.
Using WU or MG is a simple money transfer method. You are just sending your funds from your location to another one.
All the info you need is the Name, Last name, City and country of the receiver. This information is enough to make a transfer.
You will get current payment details onto your email immediately after you place an order. You’ll also have to fill in your information, please don’t be afraid to fill all the info is required from you, the WU/MG transfers are not traceable as the CC ones it is much safer, just tell them that it is a donation or you are sending money to your friend or relative (WU/MG is not supposed for business).
Do not protect your transfer with a secret question, fill in only the necessary fields.
After you will make the transfer you must confirm payment by email to
[email protected] with the following information:
– The correct MTCN number (Western Union number consist of 10 digits, Money Gram has 8 digits)
– The exact amount of the transfer
– Your correct first/last name and a photo of the payment receipt
IMPORTANT! If Western Union or Money Gram asks you about purpose of sending money tell them that they are for your relatives (family) or for a friend in need (they do not allow sending money for commercial purposes). They don’t need or have any right to know what you may need to send money over seas for. For safety please do not include any notes on the transaction such as our web site name or any product name.
You can use your credit card to arrange online transfer from the Western Union website www.westernunion.com or Money Gram`s site www.moneygram.com
1.1 Why you not accept PayPal?
We do not use PayPal. They are scammers and steal money, we already heavily suffered from them.
We advice everybody to cease using their services! Check this out : www.paypalsucks.com .
Also PayPal and Credit Card services have virulent anti crime divisions
which will vigorously seek out, find, and assist LE in prosecuting those
who use their services for criminal endeavors.
If you use them inspite of this knowledge you do so at your own peril.
1.2 Why you not accept Credit Cards?
I regret we do not accept credit or debit card as a method of payment.
Our preferred method of payment is Western Union, as this is instant and will ensure your goods are dispatched very quicky.
We also accept Moneygram.
You can make payment online using your credit card through a Western Union`s site: www.westernunion.com
or Money Gram`s site www.moneygram.com
No true clone website is accepted by a credit company. Money transfer is safe and easy and we can accept credit cards this way but not direct.
Credit Card services have virulent anti crime divisions which will vigorously seek out, find, and assist LE in prosecuting those who use their services for criminal endeavors.
If you use them in spite of this knowledge you do so at your own peril.
1.3 Do you accept International bank-to-bank (wire) transfer?
Existing customers may use this option for their convenience, but we do not provide our accounts to new customers due to security reasons. Again, you have to ask us for details.
1.4 How long does it take for You to receive my Money Transfer?
Payments made by Money Transfer are normally processed and cleared within 1-2 business day. Confirmation of payment will follow once payment has cleared.
1.5 Sending money internationally for a domestic source?
Domestic shipping doesn’t mean that’s where the operation is based.
We are smart and keep as many layers between ourselves and LE as possible. You may do CIM(cash in mail) once you’ve placed a couple of orders and paid by WU/MG.
Feds don’t have jurisdiction overseas so it is layer of our protection.
Steroids are legal in some countries it is another layer of our protection.
1.6 What to send when I paid with Western/MoneyGram?
– 10 digit MTCN (money transfer control number)
– Sender’s First name (name of the person who paid money)
– Sender’s Last name (last name of the person who paid money)
– Exact amount and currency wired (without Western Union fee)
– Payment via (if it differs from the previously specified when ordering)
– Order Number
1.7 Ordering process
Enable cookies and pop-ups for our site in your browser and add our e-mail [email protected] into your address book, otherwise our messages might be blocked by your spam filter.
We experience problems with att, sbcglobal , and some other internet providers servers.
Some of the servers completely block our messages, so if you don’t receive anything – try using different address.
Add products to the shopping cart and proceed to checkout.
You won’t be able to proceed if your order less discounts is lower than minimal order limit, which is fixed at 200-$250 for our shop.
You must receive an email from us immediately after this, please follow the instructions in this email.
1.8 Does WU or MG require ID?
Not always. Usually they only require ID if you are placing an order over $1,000.
However, you can always split an order of over $1k into smaller money transfers.